This tweet hasn't sat well with me. It could be discouraging and, frankly, comes off as condescending. Sorry. I'm a pro at struggling with pride and need to do better.

What does a good cold email looks like? I decided to break down my now friend @david_perell's pitch from 2017..
Context is king. Immediately he claims to have been following me and have done his homework. He explains who he is, why he’s contacting me, and what he’s hoping to gain. He also name drops, which in this context is helpful.

Notice his word choices and what they connote.
If there was doubt that this was a form note he sends to everyone, this paragraph cured it.

He obviously had researched me and specifically chose me to reach out to. He gave a clear value proposition and offered a natural jumping off point for conversation. He made it seem easy.
He concludes with a clear “ask” and then reiterates the value proposition. His sign-off was youthfully exuberant, which fit.

As a result, we did the interview, continued the conversation in Columbia, MO multiple times, and have become friends. In fact, we talked yesterday.
Cold outreach can work wonders. Heck, some of my best friends I’ve met through this jungle of an app.

My Advice: Be personal. Give context. Be transparent about your intentions. Start with a small ask and build the relationship over time.

My DMs are open.
You can follow @BrentBeshore.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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