Thread: In 2016, many Americans were called to a higher cause, which inevitably led them to serving a mvmt of American patriots who’d long since come to a critical realization, one that has been mostly lost on the masses for decades, but is imperative to America’s future.
2/ Of all the places I could have heard their message, Twitter would have been the last place I’d expect to find myself, let alone, to encounter such a movement, & hear their voices crying out in agony.
3/ Daily, they tell the tale of their concerns. Whether through thoughtful concern, the lens of humor, heart wrenching alarm, or outrage the underlying message of their war cry is consistent “America is in serious peril!”
4/ Ignited by @RealDonaldJTrump’s 2016 election, a Twitter mvmt. was born w/the notion of “waking up” the citizenry.

Inspired by concerned citizens & select US/global govt & other varied disciplines of leadership, a mid class found a voice w/the hope of drowning out media prog.
The premise behind this Twitter presence is a noble pursuit derived from a visceral desire to unite others & save a country they love from ruin by “waking up” citizens they believe have been lulled asleep by a US state media apparatus who's protecting its corrupt/criminal leaders
6/ The MAGA mvmt is comprised of people of all ages & all walks of life. Although many would likely not encounter each other in their daily lives, this mass of citizenry is now bound by a common unbreakable purpose, & inextricably linked by a mutual love for their country.
7/ From varied points of perspective, some more colorful than others, conscientious media, Trump supporting patriotic Americans, & foreign allies serve to expose the underbelly of corruption in world govts who ignore the will of their people while robbing the poor/working class.
8/ Although many of us seek awareness, we have all been asleep, and hence we are all at varying places on the spectrum of awareness both within ourselves and the world around us.
9/ Our individual place on the spectrum is greatly influenced by how much time we devote to self-awareness, mindfulness, education (past & ongoing, self & or former), family history, environment, economic status, mental and physical health, trauma, genetics etc.
10/ In order to rebuild America into a healthy functioning country, we must become a mentally and physically healthy people. Each of us bears this responsibility and thus we all contribute either to the health of our country or lack thereof.
11/ The mvmt to expose truth is an imperative. It is as true in individuals & families, as it is in govts & societies at large, “we are only as sick as our secrets.”
11/a So the idea of exposing truths to raise the awareness of the masses is critical but this is an inside job too & I’ll explain why in a minute.
12/ Quality content matters as does our ability to discern the difference. Part of rehabilitating America is recognizing that our education system as served more to undermine the process of real learning and thwarting the development of authentic discernment skills.
It is w/this realization of having received a failed EDU that each individual who deems themselves on the path to a “great awakening,” or greater awareness, as it were, to also take the initiative to teach themselves & their children how to learn. It was not taught this we know.
14/ There are a lot of information ops playing out on Twitter both by foreign & domestic actors, false friends, & known foes that serve to provide false hope, keep people distracted, & further individual’s instability in a number of ways.
15/ Google and learn about it from several different sources so you can recognize it. Military and Psychology today are two good resources. Remember we are in the middle of an information WAR so it is important to know how it is played by the big boys & how to protect yourself.
19/ For a brief time, I truly believed that America might have been the victim of a terrorist attack either by chemical or some bio-engineered means. How ironic that we are now facing a pandemic brought on by a virus, though not as I had initially expected?
With this in mind, let’s take a look at what ails America from an unconventional perspective by looking at an imaginary family system that has become generationally dysfunctional due to untreated alcoholism & drug addiction.
There are clues we can learn from to assist us in our current crisis.
Addiction is a problem that is quite pervasive in America causing enormous cost not only to the afflicted but to everyone around them from family, friends, work assoc, & society. Nearly 70,000 people died in 2019 of drug overdoses and another 88,000 died of alcoholism. We all pay
23/ “Drug and alcohol use in the United States costs $1.45 trillion in economic loss and societal harm annually. This includes $578 billion in economic loss and $874 billion dollars in societal harm through quality of life adjustment and premature loss of life.”
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