I've said this before and I'll say it again.
It really annoys me how people use non-English letters like "ä" for example as English letters. They have a different pronounaction it never makes sense. And, yeah, this may be because my fullname has e aigu, but still.
Also, I don't like it when websites DON'T let you use them. Even if I turn my language on to French or something, I'll never use my legal name on PayPal because they DON'T LET ME!! It's annoying.
Not to ruin anyones day but you're probably saying my name wrong. Since Drew has 3 letters that are in my fullname, I like to pronounce them the same way as my fullname which means my name(s) are actually pronounced like this:
Dréw - Dray (rolled R)
Drew - Drew (Rolled R)
I'm going to delete this thread later since it's just a useless rant lol.
Look, I don't speak German but the amount of people who use ß as a fancy B is annoying. It's double S.
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