In no particular order, here are some if the Qs I think we need answers to in a re-opening plan (note: more than 5 per WHO or 6 as in CA): (thread) #COVID19 #cdnecon
Note: I’m mostly skirting questions on testing & tracing capacity which are clearly key, and looking instead at soc/econ policy angle.
Which economic activities can resume and when? Be precise. Examples: Retail stores? Commercial call centres? Restaurants for eat-in service? Solar panel manufacturing? Dentistry?
For activities that cannot resume, where a relative economic loss occurs, is there compensation? If so, who pays?
What workplace adaptations are needed? Who pays for those? Who verifies them as safe for workers?
Can all employees return at once? If no, who decides who works? Do employees who are not yet back at work receive compensation? Who pays?
Do schools reopen? When? With what changes, if any? Who pays for those changes?
Do daycares reopen? When? With what changes, if any? Who pays for those changes?
If workplaces reopen before schools and daycares, can employers furlough or fire parents who are unavailable beyond legal job protected leave? If so, is there compensation? Who pays?
Are job protected leave days in law or collective agreements used up for the year or is the slate wiped clean?
Can job seekers resume searching? What services are available to help? Does financial aid become conditional again on searching? Who polices this?
Do workers have to be tested? Which ones? How often? By whom? Who pays?
Do those at greater health risk have to elect to stay out of public spaces? What about those living with someone at risk, who might otherwise go back to work and other activities? If they cannot work, is support available? Who pays?
Once at work, if a worker becomes ill, can others keep working? What are the employer’s obligations?
Do workers who have recovered from COVID and may be immune have different rules than others? How does someone verify they are likely immune?
If another broad shut-down is needed, how much notice will previously reopened businesses receive? Will aid be offered again? Under what terms? Who pays?
Those are a start. Many more missing, but now I need coffee. Point is, re-opening has to happen at some point, but not so simple saying ‘Shazam! The emergency orders are gone!’
You can follow @JenniferRobson8.
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