Every morning I check my notifications and there will be a bunch of lame insults from sock puppet accounts who mock me for "being a flat earther". I am going to tell you why I am.
Lots of you are still thinking of a #globe when you imagine what you live on.
#Globe images are bombarded at you (save as the Covid virus image) from the day you are born. Everything is Global this and global that. You see it on every ad and breaking news. This is to reinforce this as the concept of what you live on.
I began to look at this a year ago. I thought #flatearth was a really weird concept as I had only seen the pizza box model.
I would advise you NOT to watch YouTube vids about it. They are created to misinform you and confuse.
However, I did watch some Dutch laser experts do some pretty good experiments to see if there was any curve on an 8 mile lake. None to be found. There should have been at least 5 to 6 feet of curve. None. That got me interested.
People talk about an edge. An ice wall. I know there is an ice wall at Antarctica. Below and above. I don't know how far that ice extends. Maybe it goes indefinitely or perhaps there is just more land that goes on forever and another sun that warms that area, out of our view
What I do know is all space video is CGI greenscreen. All Space station videos are shot in Zero gravity aircraft or on the ground. Nothing can get past the #fluidatmosphere . There is a reason why these look so fake, they are fake.
I am not embarrassed to be a #flatearther
I will tell anyone, anywhere I go the truth. You do not live on a globe. Water never curved, you know that. Break your training, smash that image out of your mind.
#earthiselectrical and opposing forces hold celestial bodies above us.
Never be ashamed or embarrassed. This is how they control.
They have no shame, they lie, they kill, they pretend to kill to make you afraid, they poison you, they brainwash your children.
They laugh at you when you accept their created reality. Don't accept it.
You can follow @GreyTonka.
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