Relistening to the @olreid ig live and am again so grateful to Clare for telling him to continue at the half hour mark. We were gifted with twice as much Noah being super talented and silly at his piano because of her. Thanks, Clare!
I mean, we wouldn't have gotten Noatonio Reideras singing Daniel in a spanish accent to Dan. Life would have been meaningless without this.
N: Clare, what's a Taylor Swift song I know?
C: Well you don't know any...
N: I don't know any. But I could try. What's a Taylor Swift song?
C: Well people like Lover
N: Lover, okay. Um.
C: Do you know it?
N: No.
N: what's the other one. The one that we know?
C: Shallow
N: Would you please? You know I have like a thing. There's like a a ticker tape of requests. I don't need this peanut gallery. Someone please tell Clare to pipe down.
N: This is unbelievable.
N: I don't know... [reading] the Taylor Swift song... that is all I have needed the entire time. Okay, gotchya, gotchya. Let me just Google Taylor Swift song because I know it's one. Tay...lor Swiiiift song
C: sing some words
N: be quiet.
N: song. Taylor Swift song.
C: that's not gonna do you any good. What are the words you know.
N: I don't know any of the words. That's the problem.
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