Hey @CarrefourKe... The concept of the way gloves work and when they should be used makes giving them to customers and employees an unwise idea. Gloves cannot and should not replace hand hygiene; not for any illness causing germs.
@CarrefourKe The germs only accumulate on gloves and can be transferred to multiple other surfaces, including the wearer's clothes and face.
@CarrefourKe Employees on the other hand should be encouraged to perform hand hygiene every so often (and not just for COVID alone). Gloves that are worn for eg 6 hours is the equivalent of not washing hands for just that long... I saw some brown gloves (from overuse đŸ˜©)
@CarrefourKe And finally, for the customers, I guess some sense could be made from them doffing the gloves on exit... But most are keeping them on way past... Visiting several parts of the mall; some even driving home in them. Again, neglecting hand hygiene.
@CarrefourKe In conclusion, gloves in public are a no... They are true harbors of disease causing germs; and reduce observation of hand hygiene. Even medically, they are worn as single use items and discarded as soon as the medic is done with the patient.
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