Good morning! Here's some #PureUnhingedIdeology for you:

The lacking reaction to layoffs around the country, from ALA and numerous other orgs (i.e., everywhere except SLA), is why I asked, when did it become an extreme position to care about the well-being of your colleagues? 1/
I'd say it's because our associations have gotten so obsessed with the political ramifications of everything they do, but if they don't find courage in their convictions we're all going to be out of jobs. If orgs don't think that's possible, they need to consider alternatives. 2/
Get a lobbyist. Find/recruit members who aren't in municipally funded positions & might feel they have more political wiggle room. Stop coding recommendations as "telling people what to do." Just *consider* doing something new/else because the canary in the coal mine is here. 3/
I'm not lowering my expectations. There's no point in defending library-as-institution if you have no library workers to make it run. It's time for these orgs to boldly state that workers should be retained because they're vital to communities during & after this catastrophe. 4/4
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