also just for reference seeing as people have all decided to learn AAVE and BBE as second dialects due to memes:

He be running =/= he is running =/= he runs

They're different tenses and the misuse of the first is a big wee woo flag
bomboclaat doesn't mean what twitter has told you it means but you do embody the word i'll give you that much
It is concerning when it's white liberals because u lot claim to be on our side and it *did* start off tongue in cheek and yet? pieces of my life have now become a social marker for cool middle class white kids in specific friend groups and societies
if you refuse to check yourself then you are the problem. don't use us for clout. don't ignore your black friends if they tell you it's starting to cross the line.

also if youre a non black poc this also applies being spicy doesnt mean ur black ok and u know it
and as for actual racists idgaf what they do lol but white liberals pls do better
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