Reading up on this whole Virgil Texas "disappearance" business and, this was quite the thing to find out about.

Here's the Chapo host promoting nazi "comic" Sam Hyde and joking about him "inciting a pogrom."

Tell me again how the CTH crowd doesn't roll with fash?
Add this to Amber's known friendly relationships with Red Scare and other fash, and my whole "Chapo is a feeder into a superficially left pipeline to the extreme right" warning starts to sound a little less like an elaborate fantasy, hm?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the CTH podcasters are shock jock grifters who latched on to an emergent movement (around Bernie's campaign) and used Jacobin Mag-style class reductionism to create space for sexism, racism, ableism, & other oppressions within the left.
They are in it for the money and the attention.

Their ideology is money.

They encourage and nurture a white bro troll fanbase that deploys 4chan-style tactics including sexist/racist/ableist/otherwise-oppressive brigading to bully and silence oppressed voices within the left.
Without Bernie in the running, their grift is going to fade and they'll 1) grow more shocking in the worst ways and/or 2) go find a new grift.

Either way, their fanbase will increasingly find its way to even more nihilistic and fash-friendly spaces like stupidpol and Red Scare.
Plenty came from 4chan, plenty will return there.

The Nazis are already salivating at the prospect of recruiting this only superficially left crowd of angry young white men convinced of their own victimhood and of the silliness of call-outs of their obvious sexism and racism.
The Nazis will offer the same affirmation of these young white men's sense of economic victimhood that CHT affirmed, and it will explicitly affirm the racism/sexism/abelism that CHT tacitly affirmed in jts troll fanbase.
It's already happening, and as Bernie's campaign fades in the rearview mirror, it's very likely we'll see an even more sizeable surge in Nazi recruitment of disgruntled dirtbag bros.

CHT will be to largely blame.

They won't care.

They've already laughed their way to the bank.
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