As @GarethDennis and @25kV do lots of #railwaysexplained threads, I thought I'd try one myself.....using this book as my inspiration. However.....
This has no carriages (apart from a few rusting in Crewe)
If the electric cable is touching this train they'll be a lot of sparks flying!
Well this train went to the scrapyard a long time ago

@ladytraindriver have a word
300kph??....on the 3rd rail. I thinknot
Obviously going to fix that diesel train
Clearly trains stopped in the 1930s

Missed the "this way to the Scrap Yard" text box off this map
Is Ballast really a Freight train? I'd say more an Engineering train

Ps @rj_mannion some of your "modern" traction captured here clogging up the Castlefield corridor

Sensible application of yellow so no one walks into a door

(will ignore the "being smacked in the face" risk as they open on arrival #ignoringknownrisk #preCDL)
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