Here's why BL fiction (manga, fan fiction, novel, movies...) Is good to progressively rid the society of homophobia:
I am a traditional omegaverse reader, meaning I started reading it when it had just started and was very much still a werewolf-only thing.

To me, alpha went with omega, omega with alpha, period.
I was very annoyed when I saw alpha x alpha for the first time. I thought "what the fck are they even doing together anyway" and "this isn't natural at all"

That's when I realize I was showing homophobia but in the etymological meaning of homo: HOMOIOS (greek: fellow)
But as I read 2-3 stories with alphasexuals in it, I started thinking that they were just normal people who were simply born attracted to fellow alphas.

I still struggle with omegas though I think, there's still some negativity in my mind about that, didnt read lot of it
So it's not perfect yet, but it's improving.

And that proves that education AND environment/culture are what actually conditions homophobia.
So by educating on sexuality in school (thank you high school biology teacher), by normalizing/popularizing BL fiction, by having queer characters in "lifestyle" movies/series, we are contributing to progressively riding our countries from homophobia.
We might die before seeing the complete effects, but be sure of that: if we go on like this, our countries will improve.

And radicals who say stuff like "heterosexuality is a mental illness" or "no straights here"...they will disappear too, because...
if there's one thing I've learned from being black in France and growing up without any racism:

When you haven't faced or aren't taught racial/sexuality discrimination, you see it for what it is, NO MATTER which community it comes from. And you don't practice it.
So, if we go on like this, our great great grandchildren will mock us for having homophbia and will consider it absurd.

Which is the best the best scenario we can aim for.

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