The tweet I just posted abt NHS workers is excellent and bittersweet.
The narrative of the 'good immigrant' you clap for, pat on back but who some of you feel entitled to abuse. 'The good immigrant' who've made his/her life here but whose brown kids ar told 2go back where they...
The good immigrant who makes your economy work, teach your young people but who angers so many of you bec can afford2 live comfortably in a good house. Yes, a bittersweet video clip.
2 days ago, a 50something white couple in the Wild Wild Wales got 2our door, stopped so their dog could relieve self right there. Told off by my 18yro who was in front garden. We've had fieces swung to our door. There is a council/ police notice there warning people of a fine.
Yet they paid no attention to it. It rapidly descended in2 a shouting match (my son never, EVER shout at people), with some go back to where you... & other nasties. I let my son burn them w his words. Pointless2 explain he's Welsh and yes his maman is 1 of those 'good immigrants'
Pointless to explain that since he was a toddler he's been taught to give, help and support (elderly, food banks, young people, pregnant teens, etc). He's been taught to ignore white elderly who clutch their bags terrified by his 6'5 impressive frame and locks.
He's been told to ignore 20something and 30 something women who turn nasty, insinuate assault when he refuses them. I watched afar, bec he needs to learn to deal w this alone. I watched afar as the couple threatened physical assault expecting him to threaten back.
I saw him laugh, loudly, calling them 'walking stereotypes' and telling them he won't match their idea of a black person. They walked away after a while. Victory you may think. I saw him, distraught, shaking w anger and something else, pain.
I watched him talking to himself afterwards, agitated. We debriefed. He'll b ok. He now knows there's a whole structure that will always support these kinds of people in various settings. He knows these will try to derail him from his goals. He'll need to learn not to let them.
These are our experiences, my people, constant small and big nasties that we learn to navigate.
Please don't feel sorry for me, him, us, just do YOUR bit wherever you are to fight this. 🙏🏾
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