Medical villain Morris Fishbein. Born in 1889 Fishbein was very much noted for pushing out natural healing and bringing in a medical tyranny in the late 1920s. #morrisfishbien #TheGreatAwakening
Fishbein pushed away chiropractors, homeopathy, and referred to most any natural methods as quackery. He mocked those who used prayers as a part of healing assistance and lumped prayers in with the term of ~incantations~ or magical spells. #morrisfishbien He wrote books on "Fads & Quackery in Healing" The use of this term started yet another attempt of using WORDS .ANTI-(fill in the blank). vaccine, science..
Morris Fishbein was the editor of the 'Journal of the American Medical Association' for 25 years.
There are those that had natural cures that claim they were hunted and shot at by Fishbein in his attempt to stop the successful natural cures.
He fabricated how the immune system worked and bullied his way into power and medical tyranny.
Has a eugenics streak ... #morrisfishbien
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