Wet Markets = Farmers Markets (slaughtering and selling exotic wildlife is a separate issue and can't occur privately or at a public Wet Market.

We have supermarkets in China- like yours, they rely on cold chain logistics to preserve meat and produce. This raises prices- a lot.
A typical Chinese family will buy ingredients daily, or a few times a week. Most of the time this has not been refrigerated because there is not much time before it's on the table. The food is fresh, and low cost. Supermarket foot can be purchased weekly, but is more expensive.
There is little hunger in China because outdoor markets are everywhere, and cheap because they have very low overhead- unlike a large, airconditioned supermarket full of frozen, canned and refrigerated food. Also most Chinese can taste the difference between fresh and preserved.
Obesity is a growing problem in China- nearly entirely related to mass-manufactured processed foods. No one is getting fat or sick off veggies, rice and a bit of meat that grandma is buying at the market every day and throwing in a wok.
The supermarkets and fast-food chains of the West are not a more civilized ideal anyone should be looking to. We can look to the highly regulated and extremely healthy "wet markets" of Singapore and Japan and follow them. What is important is stopping the trade in exotic animals.
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