European peoples - but most specifically Germans, Poles and Russians - earnestly debating "Who was the bad guy in WWII?" in a pathetic, victim complex pissing contest are Spiritual Americans and they should be exiled from the Continent.

Go back to New York where you belong
The truth;

You were *all* monstrously villainous. Cruel an extent few outside of Europe can even imagine... just as you've *always* been - *all* of Europe has been - when your people and nations have called upon you to take up the cause of war
Fuck this performative, Anglosphere "-but the other tribe was very mean to us :C" affect

Of course they fucking were. They have intermittently been at total war with you to impose their civilizational vision upon you and no one east of the Rhineland believes in human rights

What are you trying to prove?

That you're the biggest humanist? That you're the most Anglo adjacent? That you're the most liberal? That you're the one who takes human rights most seriously?

-like... lol
If you're going to be serious about this RETVRN shit you're going to have to come to terms with the fact the Progs are half right about you. Your bond as a European is to hold *no* quarter in the pursuit of honor, standing, supremacy and vengeance.

That's who you've always been
Miss me with your fucking "war crimes" shit.

Leave the Anglosphere moralizing to the Anglosphere. This struggle between us has been eternal and will be eternal and there can be no apologies for throwing yourself relentlessly and mercilessly into that struggle
That's what "European Brotherhood" actually is.

The bare knuckle, no rules fight. It is a German fronting a Russian with both *knowing* the other will not hold back *anything.* The mutual respect savage animals have for dangerous foes.

Leave feebleness to Washington
TL;DR: The stakes for the Soviet Union and the Third Reich alike in WWII were literally "If we lose our civilization, nation and perhaps even our ethnos will quite possibly be literally dismantled."

Both sides - rightfully! - went whole hog lol
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