“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” - Anais Nin

Friend reminded me of this quote. And that Nin was long one of my writing heroes
Nearly 30 years ago, I read all I could find by Anais Nin. I hated that she was dismissed because the (mediocre) male writers were seen as better. I also understood instinctively that a woman writing and writing desire was seen as dangerous.
I learned how to bebrave in writing from Nin.

I also learned from her that mediocre men will overshadow a woman’s craft....because patriarchy. Nin also taught me a cautionary lesson:

Never build an association with a man that will overwhelm your own achievements.
I was 21 when I decided that no man would play a decisive or even a significant role in my life, personal, professional, creative.

Because the patriarchy would some how find a way to attribute a woman’s achievement to a man.
It has made professional life much more difficult. But it has freedmy creative life. And I like to think Nin would quite like my personal life
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