#vaccinesRobsolete because:
1) They plastic syringes and needles that add to vast plastic landfill
2) The chemicals and adjuvants such as aluminum, mercury, and others that help preserve vaccine or make them work are also toxic for the environment
3) They are #onesizefitsall med
#vaccinesRobselete because:
4) There are so many micro ingredients (
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf) that it's impossible to detect which one caused harm when serious side effects happen
5) Testing effectiveness is impossible with mandated medicine
#vaccinesRobsolete because:
6) we are still using formulations approved many decades ago for viruses and microbes that have evolved
7) because they've been developed in a liabililty-free vacuum they have not been tested or evaluated by the free market and are dangerous to some.
8) #Covid happened. We should have been putting our research $$ into:
-- Studying how pandemics evolve
-- Detecting pandemics faster
-- Developing rapid&cheap tests
-- Creating treatments
-- Vaccines are a 1-trick pony--we clearly depended on them too much
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