Fascinating how much of this comes down to style and preference: “We’ve been running this epidemic like the US defence sec... who collected vast quantities of data to assess... progress... We should have been more like the other side, fighting a guerrilla war against the virus.” https://twitter.com/ftukpolitics/status/1250307216864710658
I am never-endingly interested in how this gov has a tone of sciencey-ness, a fascination with data, a trust in tech that - in some circumstances - might have been a welcome fast-forward, but is quite dangerous in such critical conditions.
It’s like we just drove past the sweet spot - the “Just enough” - and right off the cliff. I suspect this all goes back to the physicists who did physics for the Vote Leave campaign. (Really it should have been chemists doing alchemy.)
I don’t mean this wrt to Covid response particularly - more the general tenor, pre-crisis - of the ARPA, weirdos, moonshot, seeing room narrative. Anyway, this would be fascinating if it wasn’t actually real life, eh?
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