⚠️⚠️⚠️ this is a cancel thread for @/nineiotas. she has catfished my mutual & stalked him, his new gf, and all their friends for about a year. after she catfishes someone she’ll reveal she’s a minor & then try to blackmail them into staying with her by (1/4)
(2/4) calling them pedophiles, even when nothing sexual has ever happened. she also attempts to guilt trip by using panic attacks and suic*de, sometimes with threats added in as well (seen above). she’s not very mentally sound so i would recommend blocking and staying away.
(3/4) also notice the catfishing, talking about them “talking it out like mature adults” when she clearly isn’t one and shouldn’t be getting herself into relationships with 18-19 year olds who think she’s the same age as them. these were just days before she admitted to being
(4/4) a minor and catfishing him for the past few years. not to mention her obsessive behavior about it and casually throwing around “ptsd” just for the guilt.

anyway like i said, i would block her and any of her many spam accounts you come across.
she’s being a fool under this thread so we’re hiding those replies 👋
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