My eldest has always struggled with school. She isn’t on track with her reading but that’s fine, she’s had a tough life so far aged 7. A neighbour gave us some Worst Witch books and she cannot put them down. She’s also watching it on Netflix.
Not all kids are book fans, I think we need to accept that. I haven’t beaten myself up about her slower start to reading, she will get there in her own time, not the time that the government set out all children should. She isn’t an average child.
She was born 8 week early on 30th August so should be in the year group below. Her dad died in tragic circumstances suddenly when she was just 4 and had only been at school got 6 week. The school ignored her grief and lied about her assessment of average.
I moved her schools when she was 1 term into Year 1. She had to make new friends and leave the ones she had knows since a baby at nursery. With all that going on the least of my worries was how good she was at reading. But lockdown has allowed her to relax and it’s come good.
My point is, keep on doing what you are doing. Ignore league tables and expected outcomes. Trust in your child, they will get there in the end. My Granny said if they are still not getting it by the time they are 21 then worry, but also accept they are who they are no matter what
So ease off the pressure on yourself and the kids for home learning. Doggy paddle through learning during this time, don’t try and swim the channel each day. We will look back in time and understand what an enormous thing we have been though, adults and kids alike.
And everyone will find their Worst Witch moment. What was yours?
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