Following yesterday's tweet on cleaning and given the emphasis on cleanliness due to the pandemic, I thought I'd discuss this area further.
Personally, I clean on a weekly basis, but I have a few maintenance habits I picked up to keep the apartment clean until the next cleaning session.
No.1, I like my bathroom to not only be clean, but also DRY. I confess that whenever I go to people's homes, I am always a little disgusted by the state of their bathrooms. They're always messy, with old and expired products lying around, and even worst, they're soaking wet!
I know that us Muslims/Malays use a lot of water to clean ourselves. But I think we should realize that while we use a lot of water, it doesn't mean that our bathrooms have to be constantly wet. In fact, wet and damp bathrooms make for really unclean places.
So, what I have learned to maintain a clean and dry bathroom is as follows:

1. Hang a small cloth in the bathroom that is used specifically to wipe off the counter tops and sinks whenever you find it wet (perhaps after brushing your teeth, or taking the wudhu).
2. If you're using a standing shower like me, have a bath mat in place that you step on right after you leave the shower. That way, the towel soaks all your excess water and you won't have water dripping all over your bathroom after you shower!
3. Keep a squeegee in the shower area. A squeegee is one of those window wipers! If you want to prevent soap scum from building up on your glass shower walls and on your floors, always drain all the excess water from shower walls and floors using the squeegee after each shower.
4. Leave a small home fragrance spray in the bathroom. It is a good habit to spray your bathroom daily, or after each time you find it smelling a little off, so that your bathroom always smells pleasant.
5. Honestly, my bathroom is one of my favourite places in my apartment. I feel a little bad saying that because I know bathrooms are the places of jinn and syaitan! But I like my bathroom because it's clean, dry and it's cozy. It's like stepping into a spa every morning. :)
End of thread. #cleaning #COVID-19 #clean #MCO #dudukrumah
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