Thank you everyone. Miss 12 was deep in thought today after reading the school provided material on Kate sheppard and the wctu then reading the links you all provided. She went from moments of pride to moments of sadness particularly upon learning that in order for Māori women to
join the suffrage movement they had to give up their right to Don a moko kauae. This lead us to a lengthy discussion, a debate and an understanding. She spoke to her teacher and told her that she would like to write from a Maori women's perspective n instead of choosing one of
the women in the reading material she would like to do her poster and paper on a Maori women instead. Instead of writing what Pakeha men thought about women voting she wanted to write how Māori men felt. She also mentioned the conditions that Maori had placed on them in order to
Join the suffrage movement and warned the teacher that from what's she learned so far this won't exactly put them in such a flattering light as far as Māori were concerned. She was a lil worried how the teacher would respond but her teacher was thrilled and asked miss 12
If once she read it could she maybe share it with the rest of the class. Miss 12 response: well we want nz history in school why not start in our own classroom.
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