Much of moralistic stances should be viewed as engines picking which phenotypes of man ought to be norm.

Competing teams viving for which elements of mental oddities of the populace should dominate or die
Explains why most morlized beliefs deem most people as bad. Their belief system made explicit has intentions to propogate and must root out the most common enemy, the psychologically normal
This is why much of psychological disorders by name are idealogical.

Hearing voices is not illness when many believe them to be legitimate

ADHD in children is an epidemic or a pill pushing scam

Gender dysphoria is either a piece of pride or a bad symptom
Compassion for cattle is either child like or the only heartfelt position

Narcissism is either an engine of asthetics creation or shamefully vain

Your disposition to any of these traits and more likely explains your ideology and the hence the type of man you are trying to make
Nietzsche was wrong in thinking a man generating values was difficult. Nature did before and does again for its own procreation

The question for you is which values and hence psychological profile do you see fit for man to become?

Who are the normal but are mentally ill?
Its a thesis that no one is genuinely against transhumanism.

To the extent you want to change mans action to more closely approach some good you are bound to change man in the process albeit slowly and indirectly.

Norms leaking into supposed untouched fields, psychology 1st
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