“In short, our DNA apparently stashes away light as if it were a direct source of energy and vitality. If the DNA gets too much light, it sends it back out—perhaps like an organism might excrete waste products it no longer needs. However, Popp believed that, unlike waste, "
"these light emissions were serving a very useful purpose—they contained information. Specifically, these light pulses carried the codes to reestablish order and balance throughout the body. "
"Popp also found that we give off significantly more of these photons when we are going through stress, even though we are not taking in additional light. "
"I consider this a very significant point. We know that many illnesses are enhanced or even caused by stress—and it could be that when we get stressed out or go through negative emotions, we’re giving away some of our own vitality by shedding the light stored in our DNA, "
"all throughout our cells. Why do our bodies end up doing this? It appears that these extra bursts of light contain the information our cells need to heal themselves—from all the damage we’ve been causing them through negative emotions. "
"Therefore, in order to get healthy again, we’re going to have to charge our DNA back up—and get more light. This raises another interesting question. "
"Obviously, the vast majority of our cells are not being exposed to outside light of any kind—other than the very top layer of our skin. So how exactly do we get more light? How does the light make its way through to the deepest, most internal parts of our bodies? "
"Is all this light strictly coming from visible sources all around us? (Obviously, we don’t die if we are kept in a totally dark room—but our DNA clearly seems to be using light all the time.) Indeed, could these photons be emanating directly out of the Source Field itself?"
" And if the Source Field and its energy is fundamentally interconnected with consciousness, as the Russian pyramid research suggests, then could our minds and emotions be affecting how much light can get in—and where it gets in? "
"Do we have to be open to the Source Field in order for its healing effects to move into our bodies? Could this explain the placebo effect, where simply believing we will be healed actually helps us get better?"
"In short, is it possible that our attitude determines how well our DNA and our cells can absorb light? DNA Measurably Responds to Human Consciousness Dr. Glen Rein, a biochemist who graduated from the University of London, made stunning discoveries that reveal how DNA behaves"
"in direct response to human consciousness. For starters, DNA unwinds when a cell is about to divide, or has been damaged (i.e., when it is dead), and it winds when it is working to repair and heal itself."
" The amount of winding or unwinding in DNA can be directly measured by how well it absorbs light at 260 nanometers. "
"In these remarkable experiments, Dr. Rein started out by taking living DNA from a mix of human placentas, putting it in deionized water, and then storing the whole mixture inside a beaker. "
"Then various people attempted to either wind or unwind the DNA—by nothing more than the power of their own thoughts, in heavy concentration."
"The control samples, where no one tried to do anything to them, changed by only 1.1 percent—but the treated samples changed by anywhere between 2 to 10 percent. "
"This meant that our thoughts alone have, at the very least, a two-fold effect on the winding of human DNA.23 Even more interesting, the senders with the most coherent brain wave patterns had the strongest ability to change the structure of DNA."
" And on the flipside of the coin, “one individual who was particularly agitated (and had a very incoherent [brain wave pattern,]) produced an abnormal shift in the UV,” or ultraviolet light, that the DNA was absorbing. "
"The change occurred at a wavelength of 310 nanometers, which is close to Popp’s magic value of 380 nanometers—that same frequency that can cause cancer when it is scrambled.24 "
"This angry person also caused the DNA to coil up tighter in its winding. Both of these are very unusual effects. "
"According to Rein, this change in the 310-nanometer light could only mean that “an alteration in the physical/chemical structure of one or more of the bases in the DNA molecule has occurred.”25
"That means our thoughts can actually create physical and chemical changes in the structure of the DNA molecule—as well as winding and unwinding it."
"This is the microbiological proof for the connection between angry thoughts and cancerous tissue growth that we’ve been waiting for—and the implications are just as profound for healing effects as well. "
"Let’s not forget how we can project significant bursts of photons into an electromagnetically shielded area when we are accurately remote-viewing that location, as we learned in chapter 4. "
"Those photons may well have genetic information in them that can restructure others’ DNA to restore health—such as the 380-nanometer light frequency."
" In another case, when DNA was placed in front of people who were generating coherence in their brain wave patterns, but were not trying to change the DNA, there was no change in the winding or unwinding of the DNA sample. "
"It was only when they wanted it to change that it actually did. This strongly suggests that the conscious intent of the people was causing these effects to occur. "
"Dr. Lew Childre was able to wind or unwind DNA in the laboratory from a half a mile away. Valerie Sadyrin was able to wind DNA in Dr. Rein’s California lab from his home in Moscow, thousands of miles away, during one thirty-minute period of time."
" According to Rein, the key quality of this energy that can generate coherence in the brain waves and directly affect DNA is love: “Although the techniques used by the different healers are quite varied, they all appear to require a heart focus.”26
"The implications of this are tremendous. The Source Field appears to be responsible for creating the DNA Phantom, and storing light in the DNA molecule. "
It would appear that our thoughts change the DNA Phantom in Dr. Rein’s experiments first, and only later do we see any changes in the physical DNA molecule. "
"Best of all, we now know that the most important emotional quality of the Source Field is love. Dr. Rein proved that love has a direct, measurable effect on DNA—very likely through the same energetic process that creates the DNA Phantom."
This to me supports your graphic completely that you have here

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