Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19
(1/5) Thanks for the LOVE folks! A few things: 1-she was still listening & they weren’t doing a lesson just checking in. We’ve talked about when it’s inappropriate. She gets it. She’s always pushed the limits, but her heart is big.
(2/5) She says she took a full-screen screen shot, cropped it, made it a virtual background, and covered the webcam with a sock. Yes, I’m both proud and scared.
(3/5) I posted because I was startled by her language. Having her home has made me realize how fluid the kids are w/ the tech. Here I was worrying about her spilling her drink on the computer like a 4-year-old. In my heart, I think she will always be little. It goes by so fast.
(4/5) She was teaching the dog to fist bump and it worked. I’m pretty sure she loves dogs more than people. This dog is her first dog and, well, the extra time together has been the silver lining.
(5/5) Finally, I told her that when something goes viral, the poster often responds by pointing the crowd to an important cause or issue. So here’s what she made last night and wanted to share:
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