. @DNC

I've been attacked by Trump supporters

I've been attacked by Bernie supporters

But your candidate's supporters have a lock on offensive canvassing #ActuallyAutistic #JustUs #ableism
I couldn't even report this it was deleted so fast
Most of the replies have been shame for telling @DNC about this

But @DNC doesn't care

Maybe MAGA cares more about our votes: @GOP @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @FLOTUS

Yo @seanhannity @TuckerCarlson, lots of ppl would vote GOP if Trump offers #M4A
@IngrahamAngle @JesseBWatters @greggutfeld @SteveHiltonx

Since the Dems believe the enemy of the enemy is my friend

I'm reaching across the aisle to let you know if Trump offers #M4A you can milk Burisma and Tara for the next 6 months w/o worrying about #KAG
This is how much #Biden supporters hate autistics #JustUs #M4AorBust #ableism
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