Monday morning, I was listening to another one of Noem's speeches and I had to stop bc I just got so angry. Instead of shutting down the state and issuing a shelter in place order, which she's not doing for some bizarre reason, she started a clinical trial on hydrochloroquine.
There is evidence that it does treat Malaria and autoimmune disorders, but there isn't enough sufficient evidence to suggest that it helps treat Covid-19. Noem also forgets to take into account the severe side effects of hydrochloroquine.
Ik that a clinical trial is about showing the safety and efficacy of medications. That being said, she's doing it not just in the areas that have been hit the hardest in the state, but statewide.
Alongside ignoring the demand to shutting down the state and issuing a shelter in place order, and ignoring evidence that doing so actually does work in combating Covid-19. If Noem is going to shut down the state (and/or issue a shelter in place order), it might be too late.
I'm hoping she does so before that happens. But most likely, she's going to blatantly ignore reality until that happens. The main reason as to why she hasn't done so yet is bc she said that we aren't NY, and that we're different than other states.
Taking into account differences in pop., we're not that far behind from NY. And this was from one of the previous speeches she's made.
I've been biting my tongue on this for a while now, and I've been trying to avoid talking about anything vaguely political. But this time around it's not about taking about politics rn. It's about saving lives and minimizing the amount of deaths.
Like I said, I don't usually post really serious stuff like this. I usually would post artwork I make, geek out about stuff I like, craft stuffs, my cats, or other projects or stuff that I make.
But I've had to write all of this out bc she really isn't doing anything about this besides ignoring it rn.
If I do have anything else to add, I'll probably add it to this thread. Frn, stay home, practice social distancing, and wear a face mask if you have to go outside. Stay safe peeps!
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