Using my best Conservative voice – This is someone else's fault! They made me do it, I had no choice!

This is also the reason I have little patience for people who, on the surface, seem intelligent and just want a reasonable discussion, but turn out to be complete idiots.
A fellow dropped into my TL to criticize one of my tweet threads. His first comment misunderstood what I'd said so I set it straight, he was polite, I was polite (as I can be) His next response was to translate and reorder my corrective comment into words he preferred
in order to put his opinion into my mouth. Not gonna happen over here, and I told him so, patience wearing thin. Next he criticized what was, in his opinion, Canada's terrible mismanagement of COVID-19 and how gov woulda, shoulda, coulda had a better reaction to the pandemic
along with stricter controls than it did. Hindsight is meaningless tripe in my world. Then, not unexpectedly, he noted that Canada was using draconian methods to control the virus and repeated the woulda, shoulda, coulda mantra. I was beginning to smell a con rat.
So, losing my patience with this circular conv I told him directly that he needed to look into how this has been managed worldwide, how Canadians are fairing even though there is an idiot fringe who've decided that they know how to fly the plane b/c they saw an airplane
in a movie that one time. People were/are breaking isolation, breaking quarantine b/c they needed groceries, ignoring social distancing and continuing the spread the virus due to their asinine “But yur infringin' on my rights” bullshit.
Next up in the circular tweet arena was using what he thought were shining examples of how draconian methods were not needed. He used Sweden and Taiwan as his examples. Sweden, in a fit or arrogance that has reached near biblical proportions,
now has a death rate of 101 per million compared to Canada's 24. Their relaxed careless technique is proving to be Trumpian in it's level of incompetence. He also noted that Taiwan has not needed to resort to draconian methods. I quote from several sources;
“...has instituted strict punishments for anyone found breaching home quarantine orders.” and “...announced new punishments for spreading disinformation about the virus.” nothing draconian there! Another factor for Taiwan's success: they have teams scouring their cities, towns
and gathering places disinfecting everything in sight. Practically the entire population took to wearing masks back in January, they're a society who think coughing and sneezing on total strangers is rude. Now, imagine any of that happening in Canada –go ahead, bet you can't.
Canada has idiots who “want this pandemic investigated by the RCMP” and other idiots who think “The cure is worse than the disease.” Canada's situation right now is not solely the fault of government or health management officials. It is the fault of Canadians who think their
personal needs and demands outweigh everyone else's. These selfish idiots have lost the ability to see the common good, the system that allowed them to grow up into such assholes. Taiwanese see the common good, that working together is good – 6 deaths, total. Do the math.
Kudos to everyone who is trying hard to contain this damn thing and f**k those who aren't.
Addendum: Read an article about whether Sweden's approach is good or bad. Good, say top doc. As proof he said "We may have more deaths than others but our ICU's are not overwhelmed."

More deaths, our ICUs are not overwhelmed. Our ICUs are not overwhelmed, we have more deaths.
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