I ALWAYS have epiphanies when I workout dude😂

So question: Y are we following “success” methods that are decades old? We have technology now. EVERYONE has ADHD lol

I’d argue advice like “eat the frog” (productivity 1st) doesn’t work for most bc we’re distracted
We’ve been programmed to want dopamine, so at least for me, naturally I say “I’ll start _____ in 15 minutes” then I get into a conversation and 30 minutes have passed, then I go eat, then I get distracted again. Before I know it I’ve wasted a whole day. Anyone else?
BUT, every time I work out in the morning I feel amazing afterwards. Yet I skip workouts all the time bc I push them off for “productivity” that I procrastinate on then I make excuses.

💡 Why not focus on something we do enjoy first, then productivity right after?đŸ€”
Not exactly ground breaking I know but if you’ve read books/follow social media accounts that focus on productivity we have 2 opposite desires: productivity & dopamine.

Dopamine feels better so it wins most of the time, then we get down on ourselves & it becomes a negative cycle
SO, what makes your feel REALLY good but doesn’t involve mindless scrolling looking at memes? Like I said for me it’s working out, maybe for you it’s dancing, flowing, art, talking to a friend, idk man..

But imma try this new focus & see how it affects my productivity😊
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