I won't be able to sleep until I say something about the #teampinata situation and how fetish and aged up art of minors played a part in me being groomed. This is very emotional for me and I've not really talked about it publically so please bare with me.
But from the age of 13 and joining Tumblr, I had been exposed to fictional porn and fetish art of minors aged up. It was everywhere. Even in kids fandoms. I could find it without even looking for it. But it was always defended as not CP so 13 year old me thought it was fine.
Fast forward a few years to when I was 15. I met a woman in her 20s in an Avengers RP group. At some point I was peer pressured into RPing a make out and sex scenes with another RPer who was 13 but our characters were adults so it was fine, right? The adults of the group said so.
That woman who was in her 20s? Later confessed her love to me, a 15 year old because I seemed older than I was. She knew my age and repeatedly stated she would not date me until I was an adult. Though she also pointed out I was older than I seemed and acted like an adult.
This went on until I was 18. The whole time thinking it was normal and admirable. We rped a lot and I aged up my characters to appeal to my RP partner. We started dating a week after I turned 18. It was a horribly abusive and manipulative relationship.
After we broke up. (I didn't grow up like they expected basically) I found out they were talking and RPing with a new minor. It messed me up big time.
But I do fully believe all that fetish art of aged up children had played a massive part in normalising my ex's behaviour.
The arguments about me seeming older than I was or looking adult was the same excuses my ex told me to make me drawn to them. There was no indication it was wrong because everywhere I looked on the internet was people saying aged up children was appealing and attractive.
That it was acceptable. But now I look back I was a young teen. My behaviour and looks were that of a young teen. Even my aged up OCs behaved and looked like teens. It's funny how a lot of aged up children in fetish art still look like children. Soft features, young looking.
Never are these characters drawn with facial hair, wrinkles, ANY signs of age past height and clothing. They're usually always drawn baby faced with childish personalities. Child groomers purposely show these to kids to get them in the mindset that they're older than they are.
I'm not saying #teampinata did this purposely to lure kids in. But it does play a massive part in teaching young kids they're attractive so when a child groomer comes around they're more receptive to them. Because in that child's mind it is now 100% normal.
Aged up porn and fetish art is dangerous. It's illegal fully in a number of countries for a reason. Distributing it for money is illegal in even more countries. Whether it's your intention or not, kids WILL see it. Especially if it's from a kids fandom.
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