In December of 2019, I purchased a subscription to @DataCamp to complement the learning I am doing in my Master of Science in Applied Data Analytics program. Due to a lack of time (work and school are busy), I haven't used DataCamp much and I don't want my subscription to...
...go to waste. Starting today, I am going to attempt to do a little bit of the @DataCamp curriculum each day. For my own accountability, I'm going to Tweet about it in this thread. If you're interested in reading more, cool! If not, cool!
Day 1: I'm currently enrolled in the "Data Scientist with R" track. @DataCamp offers three technologies (Python, R, and SQL) and several tracks to choose from in their Career Tracks. I decided to choose R as we are learning R in my M.S. program. I want to learn Python someday...
and I already know a fair amount of SQL. The first course in this track is "Introduction to R." Seems logical. 😜

I finished the first chapter (Intro to basics) in this section and am 69% finished with the second chapter (Vectors). More to come tomorrow!
You can follow @MJack94.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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