A lot of people wanting to burn the house down.
Me: maybe threatening to burn it down instead would be far more productive for real goals.
Them: naaaw let's just burn it down.
Me: do you know why the house was built in the first place?
Them: who cares
Me: maybe you should understand the house a bit better before saying burn it all down.
Them: naw I don't have to, & Twitter is so limiting, & you can't stop me.
Me: I have zero problems explaining on Twitter why your thinking is wonky & counter-productive.
Them: {not listening}
Me: This house was built to keep rain off. It works by people living in it warning if a roof corner starts letting rain in.
Them: we paid for most of it, and we can burn it down if we like.
Me: so you did, & so you can. But you need that roof.
Them: wut.
Me: that roof helps keep rain off Y'ALL.
Them: LOOK you IDIOT there's rain coming in because Smith lied & didn't catch the leak in time.
Me: you srsly don't want to see how much rain's gonna come in without that roof at all, without that advance warning.
Me: look, roof helps you, others living under the same roof tell you in advance of coming rainstorms, leaks & so on.
Them: yeah but Smith lied.
Me: fine, beat up on Smith, y not, but we all need that roof.
Them: 60's 3-fingered salute, Burn, Baby, Burn
Me: what will you do when the next monsoon comes, where's your early-warning then.
Them: who cares, we can have Our Own Roof.
Me: no, you really can't. That's the whole point of early-warning roofs. Think of it as NORAD against rain.
Them: wut.
Me: when a monsoon blows up in the east, great to have early-warning system in place so you can shore up your own section of the roof over you in time, before the storm hits.
Them: BURN. Also I don't have to do what you say, not my job.
Me: maybe STFU before chanting "Burn!" then
Them: how very dare you say STFU to me.
Me: try a tiny bit of thinking first.
GK Chesterton & @didymus77: look, before anyone starts burning things, maybe get a grip why it was there in the first place.
Me: what happens when next pandemic starts in some obscure place.
Them: who cares, we'll just flame on Twitter, demand the manager DO something.
Also them: & we'll build a system ourselves. After defunding our own govt & systems.
Me: oh I know THAT song.
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