With Trumps new effort to enlist ceos and other bigwigs to back his “open with a bang” reopen the economy plan, something worth discussing. We need more survey data and reporting but what exists suggests that big push to reopen the economy comes from CEOs, Trump toadies and ... https://twitter.com/taniel/status/1250264535757438976
2/ kind of magnates who keep third homes in Florida rather than average people. Needless to say most Americans hate this and are suffering from everything from intense boredom to desperate privation. Everyone really wants this to be over. But most people seem more ...
3/ concerned about getting sick or older relatives getting sick. Polls have tended to show the public wants more shutdowns or more aggressive efforts to fight the epidemic than the “sorry gramps” flight to prosperity being pushed by folks on CNBC or those who dine at ....
4/ mar-a-lago. This seems important to take into account both politically and also in terms of how easy it will be for governments at any level to “reopen the economy” without credible evidence that people can go back to the office, the restaurant or anywhere else with a ...
5/ relative confidence they won’t get sick or get their more fragile relatives sick.
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