I been telling the homies in private...just accept that at best, assuming you make it out of this alive, you're going to lose a year of your life—any hope that it's going to be over in a few weeks is just you torturing yourself https://twitter.com/_EricHu/status/1250264915320995841
The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can direct your mental energies to figuring out how to confront whatever financial, physical, emotional problems you're about to face.
Boggles my mind seeing people still crossing their fingers that their house party or whatever in May or June is still a go. Get fucking real. Even if they opened shit up tomorrow you think it's going to be safe to walk into a house party?
"Man if this goes on for another three months I'll be fucked." Dude you're fucked. Accept it. Now you have three months to think of how to make it hurt less.
It's completely irrational—after everything we've been put through recently, to be afraid of overreacting.
Stop worrying about your friends showing up to your birthday party in a few weeks and worry which one of your friends are going to need help, which one of your friends are going to be vulnerable
It doesn't mean you're going to be stuck inside for the next two years but life isn't going to be the same. But also, fuck "returning to normal." Normal is what got us in this mess. This is literally the perfect time to question what you consider normal
Normal for you might've been brunch. But what the fuck was normal for someone in Flint, Michigan? What the fuck was normal for someone rationing insulin?
You can follow @_EricHu.
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