Time for a brief history lesson on communist movements of the Global South.
Ever heard of la Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre?
Likely not! But you have probably heard of the student movements of the 1960s! When secondary and university students worldwide were protesting and fighting against capitalist and imperialist rulers in their home countries.

This is where our story will begin.
The year is 1968, which is a very pivotal year in the 20th Century. The National Liberation Front of Viet Nam is beginning an uprising against the US occupiers, France is in the midst of revolutionary upheavel, Chicago police riot in the streets against antiwar demonstators,
But outside the eyes of the most pressing Euro-American affairs is preparations for the Olympics in Mexico City. Mexico is in the midst of a growing student movement, which aims to democratize society. This movement directly threatens the rule of the PRI ruling party,
The PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) has been the ruling party for the past several decade by 1968. In fact it’s rule didn’t end until the 21st Century, and they were again in power until the 2018 elections.
In order to quell student militancy and make Mexico "presentable" for the Olympics, the PRI have the military and police forces massacre hundreds protesting the Plaza de las Tres Culturales.

They later use paramilitaries (Halcones) on students in 1971, killing many more.
This use of brutal force against students and other protesting groups is what leads to the armed phase of revolt.

Reforms (offered before 1971) did little to improve people's lives, and it was clear what the PRI (and the US via the CIA) would do to uphold the status quo.
Southern Mexico in particular saw the worst of govt repression: police, kidnappings, death squads.
Guerrero, Michoacán, and Oaxaca saw the worst of it.
In response, people organize guerrilla groups:
Partido de los Pobres, Movimiento de Acción Revolucionario, y Asociación Cívica Nacional Revolucionario being amongst them.
The US govt is not worried about these developments so close to their borders. In fact they have extreme confidence in the dictatorship.
And why wouldn’t they have so much faith in the Mexican security forces? The US literally helped create the Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS) in 1947 under President Miguel Alemán Valdés.
In fact it was created with the assistance of the CIA.

Which explains the brutality.
But they are concerned about the prospect of students joining these new armed groups.
Still. The students and guerrillas do not pose a great risk of revolution due to their fractured and loose organization on a national level.

The guerrillas in Guerrero are not intensely coordinating with students and workers in Veracruz. Nor Oaxacan rebels with Mexico City.
Enter La Liga Comunista.

In May 1973, the league is formed. It unites armed groups composed of peasants, workers, and students in 20 of the 32 Mexican States.

The PRI dictatorship, and the USA, have something to fear.
NOTE: the Partido de los Pobres does not join.

Part of this can be attributed to ideological differences. Because while the Partido is socialist, it is not Marxist-Leninist.

This is crucial as the Partido is the largest group and has mass support in its home state.
Still, the uniting of these organizations produces results.

Up til then, the rebels have only gone after Mexican government and security officials, but in the same month of May, they are now kidnapping and going after US officials.
The US responds by increasing intelligence cooperation with the DFS.
That last source was from an FBI memorandum.

Recall that all this cooperation is taking place with the US fully knowing the situation.
They know of the kidnappings, the disappearances, the training of death squads, the mass arrests, the mass killings, everything.

They even know the conditions of the Mexican people. The poverty, the corruption, the economic exploitation.

This includes the drug trade. The incredible expansion of the DFS and its powers allows its members to profit from US consumption.

They would find drug caches/safehouses and instead of ending it, they eagerly joined. Even protecting the cartels.

All this while killing the poor.
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