So I'm not really one to ask for anything, especially from my parents like they literally have given me so much already. But my birthday was like over a month ago... I told my dad exactly what I wanted (Vol 1 -15 box set of my hero academia manga) a month before my birthday....
It was about $105 when I first asked back in January, even offered to pay for half; I just really wanted it. Mind you, my dad ASKED me what I wanted - I was completely capable of buying it myself. My birthday comes around, dad says my present would be late. No big deal.
I was just happy to finally be getting hard copies of the manga. I myself started purchasing the remaining volumes (16-23, including the preorder for 24) so that my collection would be complete by the time I got the box set.
Two weeks pass, and I don't really say anything because I'm not trying to sound ungrateful. Another week and a half pass, still nothing. Trying to be slick, I just bring up the fact that the latest season is coming to an end yadda yadda.
Dad mentions that my books are on back order.... and he isn't sure when they will be available. I'm thinking... okay, kinda weird. I know for a fact that its readily available on amazon - I sent him the link directly back in January
Now...... my birthday was Feb 28th. It's April 14th, still nothing. Talked to my mom about it, like "if dad didn't purchase it, that's okay. I just would like to know so I can just buy it myself before the price goes up even more." The price has steadily increased since January.
Mom told me she honestly had no idea, then being slick as she is brought it up to my dad. Said he ordered it, it was still on back order on amazon. I ordered something off of my dads amazon account (he has prime, I don't) so I could receive it faster and cheaper.
Went to go look up something for it because the virus thing got more serious and I was wondering if it would delay the item getting to me. It shows all of my dads previous/current purchases.
And welp.... guess what? My books aren't on backorder, my dad never ordered them... but has repeatedly told me (at least 10 times) that he did. SO I went and ordered them myself, and guess what they will be here in three days.
I honestly have no idea why my dad lied to me, especially over something like that. Tell me something, anything. "money is tight." But don't fucking look me in the eye and fucking lie to me. Like I'm honestly deeply hurt that my dad couldn't just tell me the truth.
Vent over.. thanks for listening.
Update : Mom asked my dad tonight about it, because I asked her too. Dad just randomly tells me that my books will be coming in a week. I told him that he didn’t need to bother with it, I already ordered them.
Dad got upset with me because he told me he had already ordered them. I explained my side of things and then he proceeded to get all defensive and told me he doesn’t want to talk to me because I think he was lying.
Well of course now I know he was lying because it’s 11:42 at night and my dad telling me he just got an email saying they would be delivered the SAME day as when the ones I ordered would be delivered. I ordered mine right before this thread was posted. Coincidence, I think not.
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