“as bad as 4 more years of Trump are, I, personally, am unlikely to lose my civil rights, my bodily autonomy, or my life due to his policies and the violence his movement has given rise to, so I remain blessedly free to enjoy the gentlemanly sport of Armchair Pontificating” https://twitter.com/davidagstone/status/1250179381797851136
listen. nobody wanted this. NOBODY WANTED THIS. the unifying trait of this entire primary is that every one of us was working our asses off to elect someone who wasn’t Joe Biden.

EVERY. ONE. OF. US. HATES. THIS. My god, how do you think women who are assault survivors feel?
No Harris supporters wanted this. No Warren supporters wanted this. Or Booker. Or Buttigieg. Or Castro. Bernie Sanders’ supporters did not lose anything that was not also lost by the people who loved and fought for every other candidate?? It’s not a loss SPECIFIC TO ONLY YOU??
I will absolutely and unequivocally defend the rights of every Sanders voter - and everyone who wanted to vote for him but now won’t get the chance - to absolutely fucking hate the way this feels right now. WE ARE ALL IN THIS SHITHOLE TOGETHER, FAM!!!
But I’m so, so, so tired of the rhetoric that Rose Twitter’s feelings of loss, of frustration at a progressive movement cut short too soon, of resenting compromise, are the only feelings that deserve consideration. Like no one else could possibly have lost what they lost.
Nobody wanted this. NOBODY WANTED THIS. No one voted for Joe Biden because they were passionate about Joe Biden. This was shitty from day one and he should have sat the fuck back down and we all know it, but HERE WE FUCKING ARE, and all we can control now is what comes next.
Every Democrat’s healthcare plan is going to be better than Trump’s. Even Biden’s. So will his Supreme Court justice appointments. His attention to civil rights - for immigrants, LGBTQ people, Black victims of police violence. His COVID-19 plans.

Perfect? No.

Less fatal? Yes.
I’m not going to sit here and tell people of color they owe a shitty white man their support and I’m not going to demand that a rape survivor vote for a rapist but I’m sure as shit going to ask the privileged white kids of Dirtbag Left Twitter to check themselves
You want to know what frustration and betrayal by your party feels like? Try spending four years listening to white male Dem pundits elucidating all the ways women are still not QUITE good enough to get elected and then learning later how many of those men were literally rapists.
Four more years of Trump is not “better than” anything. It is literally the worst outcome for us all, and I mean “literally” literally.

This reheated Susan Sarandon bullshit just tells us you’ve already written off the lives that will be lost in a second Trump term and moved on.
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