Hi! Please stop going to people's houses because you're bored. Your SINGULAR job right now is to stay home, assuming you're not an essential worker or going outside for groceries/medicine/another urgent need. How is that proving difficult? You have one job.
"But I haven't been sick and neither has my friend/partner/whomstever tf I am visiting"

That's great and I'm genuinely glad for you. But, just going from your place to theirs could expose you and them (subway, uber, the umpteen things you come in contact with unknowingly, etc.)
Moreover, the reason you aren't sick is evidence that social distancing IS WORKING. For it to continue working, we ALL have a social and moral obligation to continue practicing it until public health experts validate that we are safe to stop doing so.
Why does this matter? Essential workers are risking their lives every day on the front lines and can't see their families. Conversely, people are quarantined with abusers, children are quarantined in unstable homes, elders are quarantined alone etc. This is unideal for everyone.
Many many people are currently living in precarious circumstances with an acute understanding that while painful and difficult, it is for a greater good. Your discomfort does not outweigh anyone else's and we are all making sacrifices right now, seen and unseen.
Please, stay home. I know it's hard, I know we're all restless and aching for normalcy. I am too. But your health and my health are linked and we all need to protect each other to make sure we get to the other side of this pandemic. Be on the right side of this.
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