Trump shutting down funding of the WHO (whether right or wrong) is going to have a major negative effect on worldwide ability to combat COVID19.

The US must step in, once again, and be the helper of last resort, especially to the Third World in Asia, Africa and South America.
First was Trump's proposal to use our now ironic overabundance of ventilators to assist international community.

Trump should make as many of these available to any country that asks them. Paint a big US flag on the side if you want, I don't care. But each one is a life saved.
Oxfam is calling for nearly $160 billion to avert catastrophe. This would be enough to double the health spending of the 85 poorest countries, home to 3.7 billion people.

The US should pour money into this. I know that isn't Trump's instinct, but it is the right thing to do.
The Western world should consider canceling some, if not all, of the debt from many of the poorest countries.

The interest rate on this money is 0% or so right now. This would be an incredibly humane thing to do.
We can make testing readily available to almost anyone. We have done the heavy lifting on this already; soon, the costs of tests will be negligible.
Administration officials should use George W. Bush's PEPFAR in Africa as a guide, and show Trump how this could change his international image, as well as America's.
I know. Maybe I am an idealist. Maybe this is all pie in the sky.

But this is in our ability to do this. We could save millions. It is a price worth paying.
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