"People like you that feel the need to spam KPOP videos in any sort of thread that isn't remotely related to KPOP in of itself, is the reason why KPOP as a whole is seen as it is. I'd be willing to bet money that if a BTS member or if any KPOP arist/group look to see you posting
their music as a thread with absolutely no context, they would look at you with the same stupid expression as everyone else does. Your KPOP video you just shared just now isn't funny and it doesnt contribute in anyway to this thread. It just shows your inability to contribute tow
ards any subject without being seen as utter nuisance and a waste of space. I'm not saying this to the KPOP artist I can only assume you have as a profile picture. I'm saying this to the person that's sharing at the screen reading this. You're not funny and you're not witty. You'
re going out of your way to disturb the atmosphere and the fellow commenters that see KPOP spammers like you every single day. Most importantly, you're not wanted here. As long as you continue this annoying behavior, you wont be wanted in any thread and anywhere in your life."
-Words of a wise man
this tweet thread is directed to @honeybribri_
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