So some dude called me trying to sell me something and ask questions about a political party while I was working out the other day

Which is fine I get that’s part of their job

But then they start speaking and talking negatively politically about the opposing side
I let him finish his questionnaire

Then I let him finish him trying to sell me

I told him kindly that I was good on the product

So he proceeds to try to convince me which made me slightly upset and I cut him off

Typically I wouldn’t have that reaction
When someone talks negatively about other people due to a particular political belief it really bothers me

Because those people cause division, they are a part of the problem

It begins with the media and politicians and the talking heads/twitter eggs feed into it
All of a sudden we hate someone because they believe in use of guns, abortion, etc

I don’t really care on which side you stand if you respect the other

But that’s besides the point

All of this divisiveness in our country separates people who are more similar than different
One belief does not decide another’s character, but we as people let these things tear us apart


So we can stand up for a point that’s really not all that important in the end

Hate for red or blue

Y’all hate gangs and racism but stand on a side for a color
Hating someone because they are red or calling someone stupid because they are blue

And don’t act like that isn’t what’s happening

I’m frustrated by America’s disdain and lack of respect for other human beings

We are all human

This shit is ridiculous
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