Lord of the Flies, Shelter in Place Version. I remain the Lord. Any day now I may be displaced.
Thats duct tape wrapped around my glasses frame above ear to keep them from appearing crooked. One of them sat on my glasses, I fear Covid so won’t get reframe till this is over. I thank the lord I still have glasses at all with which to watch Netflix and read securities law.
The peanut butter and dog food stashes are both running out. Alliances may evolve toward dogs vs kids. I fear you will judge me harshly if I telegraph plans for which alliance I plan to join.
I held a special version of the Easter Egg hunt in the basement. The boys saw it as a special treat. I garnered useful information to help me plan where to stash food for the final days where they are unlikely to look. Sun-Tzu would have been proud.
Screen time. It is both a carrot and a stick. It is the source of the boys’ strongest loyalties and grudges. On the one hand, they become screen zombies and eat me, on the other my gravestone in the backyard reads “here lies dad, he was unfair on screen time.”
They are all strong men of character. If they displace me I do not begrudge them. That said, I will not yield command without a fight....
Also, the first man who cries at chores will see his gruel ration cut in half. The first man to tell on that man will see his screen time DOUBLE.
Joining them in nap time IS helping!
If Harry Potter is a subject on SAT, and if there is college AP credit available for yelling poopy words at Amazon device Alexa, then my boys are getting great education at home and their futures are secured.
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