1. A few months ago,I shared the submission of my PhD thesis for examination.The update: I passed & qualified in November. I started it when my Pops fell ill & I was fighting an unfair dismissal. God knows my mind wasn’t there but here we are. This was a PhD born of adversity
2. At some point, I asked myself why I was torturing myself with a 100 000 word r project that seemed to be going left... but God. That's my testimony 'but God'. I heard others take 5-10 years on it and I was accepting that as my portion...but God! I should have quit..but God!
3. My thesis was on how courts should interpret the right to administrative justice in the Zimbabwean Constitution which is the broadest right of its kind in the world. Not much has been written on it so it was new terrain formulating theories that could work.
4. When God wants something to happen, I realised it will happen regardless of what anybody says. Naysayers were there. Obstacles and gatekeepers were there and I had to juggle 'full-time study' with 4 jobs... but God. I cannot claim any glory for any of it. It was God
5. I fell in love with Administrative Law in my LLB because I was told it's a difficult course with few blacks involved. I was determined to change the status quo & I haven't looked back. I was drawn to what I was told was not for me. I'm attracted to the impossible :)
6. There are many people to thank but I wouldn't be doing justice if I tried to list them all here- academics, family,friends, mentees, clients and students. I can never say this enough but thank you to everyone who shared in this
7. Pops passed on in 2017 but it was his final wish for me to finish this and I promised I would.He was the first in his family to get a doctorate & my final gift to his legacy is to be the second. That makes me a 2nd generation Doc but it's building on a foundation he & mom laid
8. Mine was & is a weird journey:
My LLM majored in four fields: Administrative Law, Media Law, Labour Law and Cyber Law but my PhD in Administrative & Constitutional Law. Monday to Friday, however, I deal with commercial work😂.The story continues, God is just getting started 😃
9. Finally,I won't throw the Doc title around because it's still all too weird for me but only by the grace of God am I where I am today. He is the God who finishes what He starts. I don't know your story but things may look bad right now and you may want to give up...but God!
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