times are incredibly rough right now, and i’m noticing a lot of people struggling. to anyone having a difficult time, here’s what i have to say.
what you’re feeling is valid. the entire world is turned upside-down atm, and there’s lots of uncertainty. it’s perfectly normal to be struggling/not feeling ok. you are not alone in this.
you are loved. there are people out there who love and care for you, myself included. don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for a little extra support/reassurance. give what you can too.
you matter, and you are surviving. that’s all that matters right now, is you’re toughing it out, despite the hardships. i believe in you, you got this!
the following tweets are advice from my grandmother: find something to do that makes you feel even the littlest bit better. anything from drawing, to listen to music, to just lying in bed. as long as it is doing something positive for your mood, it is worth doing.
write down how you’re feeling. even if you never share it with anyone, it can be helpful to get all your thoughts out of your head, down onto paper. it doesn’t have to be neat, or organised, it can just be scribbles. just stops the same stressful thoughts circling your brain.
eat/drink well. it’s easy to neglect our basic human needs, but it does wonders for your mood to have eaten well. being hydrated is also incredibly important. take care of your body.
and finally, talk to someone. family, friends, a hotline, just someone you feel comfortable with and can trust. it helps more than you know. my dms are always open for anyone who wants to talk. i love every single one of you, and i am always here to help however i can.
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