Here's a radical idea: you know all of that stuff about alignments, good/evil races, "monstrous" races, and thinly veiled allegory permeating every bit of fantasy lore and tradition?

Throw it the fuck out.
If the small subset of the WoW fandom whining about lore contradictions at the very idea of blood elves with darker skintones is any indication, we need to have a serious examination of WHY fantasy races are the way they are.
Why are all elves fair skinned except drow who are considered overwhelming "evil", often have lore tied up in slavery, live in the Underdark, and only a very tiny percentage who converted to another religion are considered "the good ones"?
Why does WoW borrow so much cultural iconography from the real world for their races? Why do they have the accents that they do? Why did it take them 16 years to give humans different ethnicities when there are like six varieties of elves?
Why is it so unbelievable for there to be black and Asian human customization options in WoW, yet people talking with European or American accents is perfectly acceptable?
And why did J.R.R. Tolkien describe his orcs as "squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types"?
The answer to all of this is real world informs fantasy way too much and often in the worst ways. We need to examine these tropes, understand where they come from, accept what they're rooted in, and end our fetishization of "lore" and "tradition".
Also, Blizzard are the ones writing the lore so fuck off with all of that "lore breaking" bullshit.
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