twitter would be a little less disconcerting if people realized that we tweet to our audiences, not to the world. which is to say: a tweet going viral does not mean it was intended for an audience that is not our own. which means you misunderstanding it ain’t my problem.
that does not mean there is no room to question the logic of a viral tweet. it does mean that you are silly to assume the tweet was ever intended for you if you are not the person’s audience.
our timelines are curated. we follow who we want. we engage what we want. which also means (in many ways) we miss out on/ignore what we want. we all have a platform—big or small—and that’s how we engage it.
not everything we see is something we want to see, but since we curate our space, we have the power to change that. so it’s silly to assume something you don’t understand is the fault of the person who tweeted it rather than the person who put it on your TL/your lack of reading.
mayhaps the tweets with “all the big words” or “all the theory” weren’t intended for you? or maybe you should read more? 🥴

mayhaps the joke you didn’t understand was geared towards a specific audience? maybe you should ask? or maybe just keep scrolling? 🥴
You can follow @DaShaunLH.
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