Thread: about the recent disparaging comments made by @timotheeology about SSPX parishioners. First, I am in an SSPX parish. As such I know real live SSPX parishioners. I used to be w/FSSP and ICK. I did not go to the SSPX out of some theological angst. I love them all.
I simply moved to a location where there was no FSSP or ICK parish available. I was admittedly hesitant b/c of all the horrible rumors, which is why I'm now writing this.

Not a single thing I ever heard about the society (all of it negative) has turned out to be true. NOT ONE.
Not only is it not filled with Catholic's who have a "schismatic mindset," I've found the vast majority have a far more balanced relationship with the Pope and Rome than those in my former FSSP parish. Most of them spend ZERO time worrying about what's happening in Rome.
What I have found in the SSPX is the Church full of health and life. A priesthood that is fully in tact, like no other priests I've encountered before them - it is impossible to overstate this point. The welcome there is obvious and warm without being "try hard."
I am not going to argue with anyone about them being in schism - they are not - neither de jure, nor de facto.

I only want to correct the fallacious rumors being spread about the people.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

God bless and Virgin protect you!
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