I don't expect Bernie's supporters to bend the knee. I figure they are adults and will vote responsibly. If not, they long ago bent their knee to an outdated racist economic philosophy that denies the lived experience of African Americans to elevate the white working class.
Marxism centers class oppression and proposes universalist solutions. That might have made sense in a white society that never had chattel slavery, but the United States is different and it makes no sense here. Racism is the foundation of American capitalist exploitation
We are not a classless society, but race governs social control and movement so much more than class. No matter how wealthy, educated, or respected a Black man is, he is at risk from the police. Rep Geoff Davis had no problem with calling our president a "boy"
The "socialists" claim liberal economic reforms created to remediate the ills of unregulated capitalism, but they were not their ideas and not their work. They had nothing to do with the New Deal, the Great Society, or the other good work done by Democrats.
They are not the source of good policy proposals so there really is no reason to listen to them. We have good policies coming from within our own big tent, from Warren, from Harris, from Biden, from Castro....good ideas that don't require anyone adopt a race-blind ideology
Anyway, when Berners thought they were winning, they were obnoxious with their "bend the knee" and hoping we cry when we vote. We don't need to return their obnoxiousness. After all, it is part of the reason they lost.
When they learn that Biden is actually in favor of curbing pollution and wrote the first climate change bill ever passed into law, we don't need to gloat.
When they discover that Biden does not want people to die without health insurance and actually proposes and supports Universal Health Care, no neener-neeners allowed.
And when they see that he has a proposal for affordable college that addresses college debt without giveaways to the rich, we don't have to mention how ill-informed they were. We can be nice and keep our told ya so's to ourselves.
So, let's just welcome Bernie's supporters and give them a link to Joe's position and be glad they are with us. And give the others a hard pass. Especially the influencers who are just posing for the money. https://joebiden.com/joes-vision/ 
Does anyone believe that Krystal Ball, Walker Bragman, Briahna Gray, or any of the other nihilists who are having connections now really believe Republicans and Democrats are the same? Their objection to Democrats is that making government work, actually function and do its job
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