2005 was a big year of change for me. I met many people that I knew online (BEFORE twitter was even here and we all had blogs and blogrolls and the like). These are some of my heroes and friends that supported me and that I looked up to and influenced me with their teachings:
1. @wendyabc - we met at SXSW and she showed me that accessibility could be exciting and inspiring. She also made me feel valued, and I'm incredibly grateful for the moment she quoted one of the things I said earlier in the day.
2. @sharrush of @knowbility: Sharron invited me to speak at SXSW on that first panel, and she found so many other ways to support me over the years. She had me speak at John Slatin Access U many times starting in 2005. She always connected me to others. She's a true giver.
3. @goodwitch: Glenda was moderating that very first panel I was on, and this was the first time we met in person (all at SXSW). Ever the champion for accessibility, she always supported me, even hosting me at her house when I had returned to Austin for AccessU 🙏 for you, Glenda
4. @maxine and I met at SXSW as well. She and @johnallsopp invited me to speak @webdirections in 2005, after talking with me at SXSW. Very grateful for the opportunities you provided me over the years, @maxine, to share with our profession. Hope you are well. I miss you!
5. @mholzschlag and I spoke at several conferences together in 2005. Her writing is legendary, and she influenced my thinking in many ways on accessibility and her talks about invisible disabilities (among other topics). Thank you, Mols!
6. @zeldman and I met at SXSW and later again at the "at media conference" (which I can't write on twitter, really). Jeffrey is one of a kind, and he has provided me with so much opportunity to share my thoughts over the years. I'm forever thankful to share the stage with you.
7. I don't remember the first time I met @meyerweb, but I know for certain we spoke @webdirections together in 2005. Also grateful for your support, sharing the stage with you. You're forever the teacher, and I appreciate you muchly, my friend.
8. I might or might NOT have met @shawn_slh in 2005, but I'm going with it, because it is in that era, anyway. Shawn's simple advice has always stuck with me: "Just ask" when it comes to people with disabilities. Truer words have never been spoken and we all need to do it more 🙏
9. @adactio and I have shared many a conference stage since 2005, and his views on how to build a resilient web using simple techniques have always resonated and given me something to aspire to. I look forward to sharing a 🍻 in person again sometime soon(?), Jeremy!
10. Keeping with the @clearleft crew, @andybudd and @clagnut (in the early days) always pushed me to explore things I hadn't considered... other angles, perspectives, and the business side of things too. Grateful for our history, and I hope you're both well these days ♥️
11. @mezzoblue - my friend, business partner (from a way back!), and ridiculously talented designer... I'm thankful that we're friends, and the few opportunities that we've had to reconnect the past few years have felt like we just picked up where we left off the time before 🍻🖖
12. met @go2girl in 2005 as well, and I remember being in constant awe of her business acumen and approach to the work that we do in this industry. Perhaps the original process queen? You still inspire me and my creativity, Kelly. You always have, and I suspect you always will!
13. @mattmay: What can I say? You push my thinking. I'm fairly certain we met in 2005 as well, and I consider you part of the group of people that I surrounded myself with to try and make myself better. Grateful that we still get to see each other and share meals, at least 1x /yr
Inevitably, I'm forgetting some people, I'm sure.

And I could go on... so many influences on my career and work from the early days.

I'm thankful for the influence these people have had on me

So... many... people. Thank you, to all of you. So much love for what we all do.
And thank you to all of you for our discussions and your influence over the years...
I'll add @ptg to the list as well -- we met in 2005 at SXSW as well and you invited me to speak at at media, and that helped launch my career. Forever grateful for the opportunity, and I hope you're doing well.
I'm wrapping up soon I promise...
There are four other people I met in 2005 that I must recognize. We've lost them all, and that just fucking sucks.

John Slatin. I remember you in my JS & Accessibility classes at Access U in 2005. Your approach always stays with me: accessible design is good design. Period.
Jim Thatcher. Also met you at AccessU (or maybe even at SXSW), but we knew each other from debates on mailing lists. I will forever cherish dinner at your house in a subsequent year's AccessU. You're a legend, and I am SO grateful I got to know you early in my career. Thank you.
Also, @cindyli. Also met in 2005, at SXSW, and at media. You always reminded me how we could all be better at making gorgeous, functional, seamless design also accessible. I miss you ♥️
Finally, @teleject - also met in 2005, SXSW. You were always such a warm person and so dedicated to pushing the envelope when it came to conferences, I can't thank you (and @ari4nne) enough for letting me share. I'm still kinda struggling with the fact that you're gone đź’”
There are more, for sure. There's a handful of people from pre-2005. @jrodgers and @johnfoliot for starters... (Good evening, gents! hope you're both well)

And lots of POST 2005 as well... Many to thank (and my memory is fuzzy. Maybe 2006 for @danmall @kevinmhoffman, @jina?
And the whole tweet that started this off was me thinking about @johnallsopp's Dao of Web Design. John, we're overdue for a check in, my friend.
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